The EU and the NOP are tightening their organic regulations around Group Certification.

We help you to be prepared.


Our software helps you to align your ICS with regulatory requirements.

Safely. Conveniently. Economically. Credibly.

Request a free demo and get to know our software.

Without any obligation. 


Group Integrity: the software for grower group management

Group Integrity Professionalising Group Certification

Professionalising grower groups with Group Integrity

Group Integrity is an online software for the professional management of grower groups. It can be used by:

  • self-organized grower groups wanting to increase their marketing potential through certification against public or private standards, such as organic or fair-trade
  • processing or trading companies with a significant number of contracted farmers
  • development organisations, foundations or agricultural associations
  • consultants and certifiers as implementation partners

If you want to professionalise and promote group certification within the agricultural sector, Group Integrity is the ideal software for you. It prepares grower groups and companies sourcing from small-scale farmers optimally for external audits, for the certification against private and public standards, and helps them comply with regulatory requirements.


"Group Integrity helps transform groups into well-structured, transparent, and reliable market partners." (Gerald A. Herrmann, Director Organic Services and past IFOAM President)


Request Free demo

Let us know your needs and interests and we will schedule a free demo to show you all the functionalities and benefits of our software. Remember: There is never a good time to introduce a new software. You may feel that you can't repair the fence because you are so busy with chasing the chickens - but this is not sustainable. So, don`t wait for it! Digitalisation is key to cope with current and future challenges, and going digital is what it takes to get you on the driver's seat instead of reacting to external situations. Contact us today and we will lead you through the implementation process.

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