Learn more about the two products ‘Check Organic’ and ‘Group Integrity’. The renowned specialists and organic industry experts Gerald A. Herrmann and Frank Gerriets invite you to get updated about latest news and the strategic approaches for ensuring organic integrity along the supply chain. The innovative Check Organic and Group Integrity tools complement organic certification, contributing at the same time to the efficiency and reliability of quality assurance systems of trade.
In the course of the BIOFACH/VIVANESS Congress programme, renowned specialists and organic industry experts will join the Directors of Organic Services to address key issues for the future of organics. Come and join the presentations and discussions! Topics include: Improving supply chain integrity; small producers, their integrity and market access; the Italian way to guarantee the integrity of the organic sector; update on organic aquaculture regulation in Europe and North America; integrity management solution.
Do/Thu, 12.02.2015
10:00 - 11:30 Oslo Room E (NCC Ost)
Small producers, their integrity and market access
Moderation: Gerald A. Herrmann, Organic Services GmbH, Germany.
- Valeska Weymann, Global G.A.P., Germany
- Cornelis Kees Maris, EgeSun GmbH / MorgenLand, Germany
- Jens Klein, ETHIQUABLE Deutschland eG, Germany
- Henrich Neisskenwirth, IMO Chile S.A., Chile
- Frank Gerriets, Organic Services GmbH, Germany
Do/Thu, 12.02.2015
10:00 - 11:30 Prag Room E (NCC Ost)
Update on organic aquaculture regulations in Europe and North America
Fish Feed, Juveniles and Recirculation Aquaculture Systems (RAS).
Moderation: Udo Censkowsky, Bluesensus Sustainability and Seafood Consulting, Germany.
- Dr. Stefan Bergleiter, Naturland e. V., Germany
- Matthew Holmes, Canada Organic Trade Association (COTA) Canada
- Prof. Werner Kloas, Leibniz Institut für Binnenfischerei, Germany
Do/Thu, 12.02.2015
11:00 - 12:30 Lissabon Room E (NCC Mitte)
Integrity Management Solution - Safer products along the entire supply chain.
During this presentation you will learn how to ensure your brand commitment, the food safety and the transparency along the entire supply chain. With Integrity Management Solutions we offer solutions which do not only support you in making your products safer, but also allow you to learn the trust of your consumers.
- Thomas Lorber, Intact Consult GmbH, Austria
- Franz Rauch, Intact Consult GmbH, Austria
Do/Thu, 12.02.2015
16:00 - 17:30 Kopenhagen Room E (NCC Ost)
Improving supply chain integrity
Moderation: Gerald A. Herrmann, Organic Services GmbH, Germany.
- Frank Brinkschneider, Flo Cert GmbH, Germany
- Dr. Paolo Carnemolla, Federazione Italiana Agricoltora Biologica e Biodinamica
- Manfred Pülm, Univeg Deutschland GmbH, Germany
- Paulien Veermann, Bionext, The Netherlands
Fr/Fri, 13.02.2015
16:00 - 18:00 Lissabon Room E (NCC Mitte)
The Italian way to guarantee the integrity of the organic sector
New IT projects with the purpose to manage cultivated area and traceability of products and sales of organic raw materials, forage, cereals and grains.
- Francesco Saltini, Accredia, Italy
- Paolo Zicca, Anthesi, Italy
- Franz Rauch, Intact Consult GmbH, Austria
- Frank Gerriets, Organic Services GmbH, Germany
- Gerald A. Herrmann, Organic Services GmbH, Germany