Group Integrity is a web-based tool for the professional management of internal control systems (ICS) or participatory guarantee systems (PGS). It prepares grower groups and companies with contracted smallholders optimally for internal and/ or external audits and for group certification against private and/ or public quality standards.
Group Integrity can be used by either
In addition to increasing your chances for successful group certification, it helps to track the audit process and the follow up to close findings (non-conformities).
Group Integrity is a combination of a database and an inspection/ certification management tool at the same time. Furthermore, the tool allows you to effectively analyse the group’s data and share it with your business partners - i.e. with your certification body who will check whether or not you meet all the requirements for a successful group certification.
Group Integrity is very flexible: nearly any standard can be defined and introduced through the system. For each standard, individual checklists can be used. For this purpose, you can either work with pre-set documents or customize the checklists according to your needs.
Group Integrity helps grower groups and businesses sourcing from smallholders to meet the administrative requirements of national and international markets. It is an affordable ICT tool that facilitates and stabilises the management of internal control systems and thereby increases the likeliness of successful group certification.
Group Integrity saves expenses and improves economics. The price is based on an implementation fee (as an initial investment) and on an annual Software as a Service (SaaS) fee, which includes the license, individual support, ongoing maintenance, and future updates. The SaaS-fee depends on the group's size and on the number of required users and starts at less than €2.000 per year. Please note that the cost for your group's certification through an external certification body is not included.
The system is currently available in English, Spanish, German, French, and Portuguese. Translation into any other language is possible if requested and economically feasible.
Group Integrity is a cloud application and can be accessed via any web browser - no installation is needed. Besides the online access, a mobile app for smartphones or tablet devices allows on- and offline access for inspectors. At least one person of your group or company must be trained to use and manage Group Integrity. Users with basic knowledge of Microsoft Excel will find the software easy to use. To support you, we speak German, English, Spanish, French, and Russian. Please contact us if you need assistance in other languages.
In order to successfully implement Group Integrity with you, we will prepare and advise you comprehensively through live trainings via web-conference, or – if possible – in person. Furthermore, we will provide you with a demo version for testing, written manuals and video tutorials. Once you work with the system, there is of course a continuous support service and all clients can contact us at any time via skype, email or telephone.
Nobody else apart from yourself can see your data - only we as your partner can access it for support reasons. The data is hosted with Anexia, an ISO 9001 and ISO/IEC 27001 certified professional hosting company based in Klagenfurt, Austria. We fully comply with the latest EU data protection act (GDPR). According to the user rights and roles. So you can define which users can see and/ or edit certain data.
Group Integrity is offered by Organic Services. The software behind it is licensed from Intact GmbH, Austria, the provider of the internationally leading end-to-end audit and certification software “The Intact Platform” (formerly known as ECERT).
Copyright © 2020 Organic Services GmbH